2018 |
J.Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets. Primary and secondary components of nerve signals. arXiv: bio-ph, submitted on 13 Dec 2018. |
K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets. Temperature changes accompanying signal propagation in axons. arXiv: bio-ph, submitted on 4 Dec 2018. |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm, M.Laasmaa, M.Vendelin. On the complexity of signal propagation in nerve fibres. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 67, 1, 28-38. |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Electromechanical coupling of waves in nerve fibres. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17, 1771-1783. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, A.Berezovski, T.Peets, K.Tamm. On nonlinear waves in media with complex properties. In: H.Altenbach et al. (eds), Generalized Models and Non-Classical Approaches in Complex Materials I (Memorial volume of G.A. Maugin), Advanced Structured Materials 89, Springer, 275-286. |
J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Soliton trains in dispersive media. Low Temperature Physics/Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur (AM Kosevich Memorial issue), 44, 7, 887-892. |
T.Peets, K.Tamm, P.Simson, J.Engelbrecht. On solutions of a Boussinesq-type equation with displacement-dependent nonlinearity: a soliton doublet. arXiv: 1806.10334v1 [nlin.PS] 27 Jun 2018. Wave Motion (Samsonov special issue), 2019, 85, 10-17. |
J.Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets. Modeling of complex signals in nerve fibers. Medical Hypotheses, 120, 90-95. |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Solitons modelled by Boussinesq-type equations. Mech. Res. Commun., 9, 62-65. |
2017 |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Solitons modelled by Boussinesq-type equations. Mechanics Research Communications (accepted). |
J.Engelbrecht. K.Tamm, T.Peets. On solutions of Boussinesq-type equation with displacement-dependent nonlinearities: the case of biomembranes. Philosophical Magazine, 97 (12), 967-987. |
K.Tamm, T.Peets, J.Engelbrecht, D.Kartofelev. Negative group velocity in solids. Wave Motion, 71, 127-138. |
T.Peets, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht. On the role of nonlinearities in the Boussinesq-type wave equations. Wave Motion, 71, 113-119. |
2016 |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. Single slit diffraction: from optics to elasticity. Wave Motion, 2016, 60, 35-43. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Interaction of deformation waves with internal structures in solids. In: 24th Intern. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM 2016, Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016, Book of Papers: IUTAM, 2016, 2236-2237. |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm, M.Laasmaa, M.Vendelin. On modelling of physical effects accompanying the propagation of action potentials in nerve fibres. Biomech Model Mechanobiol., 2016, 14, 159–167. |
2015 |
J.Engelbrecht, Kert Tamm, Tanel Peets. On mathematical modelling of solitary pulses in cylindrical biomembranes. Biomech Model Mechanobiol., 2015, 14, 159–167. |
J.Engelbrecht. Complexity in engineering and natural sciences. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2015, 64, 3, 249-255. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski. Pattern formation of elastic waves and energy localization due to elastic gratings. - International J. Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 1-28. | ||
J.Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets. On mathematical modelling of solitary pulses in cylindrical biomembranes. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2015, 14, 1, 159-167. |
J.Engelbrecht. Teaduspreemia pikaajalise tulemusliku teadus- ja arendustöö eest. Soomere, T. (Toim.). Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2015: teadus, F.J.Wiedemanni keeleauhind, kultuur, sport (12-33). Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia (in Estonian). |
J.Engelbrech, M.Kutser. Legacy of Nikolai Alumäe: theory of shells. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 64(2), 139-145. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski. Reflections on mathematical models of deformation waves in elastic microstructured solids, 2015, 43-82. |
2014 |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, P.Ván. Weakly nonlocal thermoelasticity for microstructured solids: microdeformation and microtemperature. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 84(9-11), 2014, 1249 – 1261. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere. Scaling and hierarchies of wave motion in solid. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2014, 94, 9, 775-783. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski. |
A.Salupere, M.Lints, J.Engelbrecht. | |
I.Sertakov, J.Engelbrecht, J.Jaano. |
2013 |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. | |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski. | |
T.Peets, D.Kartofelev, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht. | |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski. | |
J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets K.Tamm, A.Salupere. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, K.Tamm, T.Peets, M.Berezovski. |
M.Kalda, P.Peterson, J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin. |
2012 |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski. |
F.Pastrone, J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht. |
H.Herrmann, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht, F.Pastrone. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere. |
2011 |
2010 |
M.Berezovski, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, T.Soomere. |
H.Herrmann, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht. |
M.Berezovski, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Ravasoo, J.Janno. |
2009 |
J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, and J.Engelbrecht |
J.Engelbrecht, R.Winther, E.Quak. |
J.Engelbrecht, M.Randrüüt, A.Salupere. |
J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin. |
2008 |
2007 |
J.Engelbrecht, J.Janno. |
M.Vendelin, V.Saks, and J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. |
A.Salupere, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht, P.Peterson. |
V.A.Saks, M.Vendelin, M.K.Aliev, T.Kekelidze, and J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, A.Salupere. |
2006 |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. |
A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, F.Pastrone, M.Braun. |
J.Engelbrecht, F.Pastrone, M.Braun and A.Berezovski. |
J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin. |
2005 |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, F.Pastrone, M.Braun. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, G.A.Maugin. |
J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere. |
J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, O.Ilison, L.Ilison. |
2004 |
2003 |
P.Peterson, T.Soomere, J.Engelbrecht, E van Groesen. |
A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, P. Peterson. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin. |
J.Engelbrecht, F.Pastrone, A.Berezovski. |
T.Sillat and J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin. |
J.Engelbrecht and F.Pastrone. |
2002 |
M.Vendelin, P.H.M.Bovendeerd, J.Engelbrecht and T.Arts. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. |
M.Vendelin, B.H.M.Bovendeerd, V.Saks, J.Engelbrecht. |
A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, P.Peterson. |
A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, P.Peterson. |
2001 |
A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, and G.A.Maugin. |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, J.Kalda, and G.A.Maugin. |
2000 |
J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin. Microstructure described by hierarchical internal variables. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, 2000, 58, 1, 83-91. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. Two-dimensional thermoelastic wave propagation in inhomogeneous media. In: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, (Proc. 5th Intern. Conf., Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 10-14, 2000) A. Bermudes et al., eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, 2000, 113-117. |
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin. Thermoelastic wave propagation in inhomogeneous media. Arch.Appl.Mech., 2000, 70, 694-706. |
M.Vendelin, P.Bovendeerd, T.Arts, J.Engelbrecht, D.H. van Campen. Cardiac mechanoenergetics replicated by cross-bridge model. Annals of Biomed. Eng. 28(6), 2000, 629-640. |
J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin, G.A.Maugin. Hierarchical internal variable reflecting microstructural properties: application to cardiac muscle contraction. J. Non-Equil. Thermodyn, 25(2), 2000, 119-130. | |
J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, P.Peterson. Nonlinear wave motion: complexity and simplicity revisited. In: E.Lavendelis (Ed.), Proc. IUTAM Symp. Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, 25-36. |