Selected publications




J.Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets. Primary and secondary components of nerve signals. arXiv: bio-ph, submitted on 13 Dec 2018.


K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets. Temperature changes accompanying signal propagation in axons. arXiv: bio-ph, submitted on 4 Dec 2018.


J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm, M.Laasmaa, M.Vendelin. On the complexity of signal propagation in nerve fibres. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 67, 1, 28-38.

Print Print J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Electromechanical coupling of waves in nerve fibres.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17, 1771-1783.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, A.Berezovski, T.Peets, K.Tamm. On nonlinear waves in media with complex properties. In: H.Altenbach et al. (eds), Generalized Models and Non-Classical Approaches in Complex Materials I (Memorial volume of G.A. Maugin), Advanced Structured Materials 89, Springer, 275-286.

Waves in continuous media: classical theory.
In: H.Altenbach, A.Öschner (eds), Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Nonlinear waves in continuous media.
In: H.Altenbach, A.Öschner (eds), Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Soliton trains in dispersive media. Low Temperature Physics/Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur (AM Kosevich Memorial issue), 44, 7, 887-892.


T.Peets, K.Tamm, P.Simson, J.Engelbrecht. On solutions of a Boussinesq-type equation with displacement-dependent nonlinearity: a soliton doublet. arXiv: 1806.10334v1 [nlin.PS] 27 Jun 2018. Wave Motion (Samsonov special issue), 2019, 85, 10-17.


J.Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets. Modeling of complex signals in nerve fibers. Medical Hypotheses, 120, 90-95.


J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Solitons modelled by Boussinesq-type equations. Mech. Res. Commun., 9, 62-65.




J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Solitons modelled by Boussinesq-type equations. Mechanics Research Communications (accepted).


J.Engelbrecht. K.Tamm, T.Peets. On solutions of Boussinesq-type equation with displacement-dependent nonlinearities: the case of biomembranes. Philosophical Magazine, 97 (12), 967-987.

Print Print K.Tamm, T.Peets, J.Engelbrecht, D.Kartofelev. Negative group velocity in solids.
Wave Motion, 71, 127-138.

T.Peets, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht. On the role of nonlinearities in the Boussinesq-type wave equations. Wave Motion, 71, 113-119.




A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht. Single slit diffraction: from optics to elasticity. Wave Motion, 2016, 60, 35-43.


J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, T.Peets, K.Tamm. Interaction of deformation waves with internal structures in solids. In: 24th Intern. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM 2016, Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016, Book of Papers: IUTAM, 2016, 2236-2237.


J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets, K.Tamm, M.Laasmaa, M.Vendelin. On modelling of physical effects accompanying the propagation of action potentials in nerve fibres. Biomech Model Mechanobiol., 2016, 14, 159–167.




J.Engelbrecht, Kert Tamm, Tanel Peets. On mathematical modelling of solitary pulses in cylindrical biomembranes. Biomech Model Mechanobiol., 2015, 14, 159–167.


J.Engelbrecht. Complexity in engineering and natural sciences. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2015, 64, 3, 249-255.

Print Print A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski. Pattern formation of elastic waves and energy localization due to elastic gratings. - International J. Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 1-28.
Print Print J.Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets. On mathematical modelling of solitary pulses in cylindrical biomembranes. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2015, 14, 1, 159-167.
Print J.Engelbrecht. Teaduspreemia pikaajalise tulemusliku teadus- ja arendustöö eest. Soomere, T. (Toim.). Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2015: teadus, F.J.Wiedemanni keeleauhind, kultuur, sport (12-33). Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia (in Estonian).
Print J.Engelbrech, M.Kutser. Legacy of Nikolai Alumäe: theory of shells. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 64(2), 139-145.
Print J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski. Reflections on mathematical models of deformation waves in elastic microstructured solids, 2015, 43-82.


Print Print A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, P.Ván. Weakly nonlocal thermoelasticity for microstructured solids: microdeformation and microtemperature. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 84(9-11), 2014, 1249 – 1261.
Print Print J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere. Scaling and hierarchies of wave motion in solid. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2014, 94, 9, 775-783.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski.
Numerical simulation of elastic wave diffraction at embedded gratings.
In: Proc. 27rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM-27, Stockholm, October 22-24, 2014: Eriksson, A.; Kulachenko, A.; Mihaescu, M.; Tibert, G. (Eds.), 113-116.

A.Salupere, M.Lints, J.Engelbrecht.
On solitons in media modelled by the hierarchical KdV equation.
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 84, 1583-1593.

I.Sertakov, J.Engelbrecht, J.Jaano.
Modelling 2D wave motion in microstructured solids.
Mechanics Research Communications, 2014, 56, 42-49



A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Thermoelastic waves in solids with microstructure: dual internal variables approach.
J. Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics, 1, 2013, 112–1193.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski.
Wave propagation and dispersion in microstructured solids.
In: Proc. 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics : Lund, 25-26 October, 2012: (Eds) Persson, K.; Revstedt, J.; Sandberg, G.; Wallin, M. Lund: Department of Construction Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, 2013, 73-76.

T.Peets, D.Kartofelev, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht.
Waves in microstructured solids and negative group velocity.
EPL - A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 16001-p1 - 16001-p6.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski.
On modelling of wave propagation in microstructured solids.
Estonian J. Engin., 2013, 19(3), 171-182.

J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets K.Tamm, A.Salupere.
Deformation waves in microstructured solids and dimensionless parameters.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2013, 62(2), 109-115.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, K.Tamm, T.Peets, M.Berezovski.
Dispersive waves in microstructured solids.
Intern. J. Solids and Structures, 2013, 50, 1981-1990.

M.Kalda, P.Peterson, J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin.
A cross-bridge model describing the mechanoenergetics of actomyosin interaction.
In: Computer Models in Biomechanics : From Nano to Macro: (Eds.) Holzapfel, Gerhard A.; Kuhl, Ellen. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, 91-102.



A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski.
Wave propagation and dispersion in microstructured solids.
Proc. 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. Lund, 25-26 October, 2012. (Eds.) K.Persson [et al.]. Lund: Department of Construction Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, 2012, 73-76.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski.
Internal structures and internal variables in solids.
J. Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2012, 7, 10, 983-996.

F.Pastrone, J.Engelbrecht.
Waves and complexity of microstructured solids.
Proc. International Conference Days on Diffraction 2012, 192-196.

A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Two-scale microstructure dynamics.
J. Multiscale Modelling, 2012, 3(3), 177-188.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Waves in microstructured solids: dispersion and thermal effects.
In: ICTAM 2012 : 23rd Intern. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 19-24, 2012, Bejing, China, Proc. (Eds.) Bai, Yilong; Wang, Jianxiang; Fang, Daining, 2012, 1-2.

Microstructured continua and scaling for wave motion.
Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., 91, Suppl., 2012, 1, 1-8.

H.Herrmann, J.Engelbrecht.
Comments on mesoscopic continuum physics: Evolution equation for the distribution function and open questions.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2012, 61(1), 71-74.

J.Engelbrecht, F.Pastrone.
Non linear waves in complex microstructured solids.
Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino - Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 2012, 35, 23-36.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere.
Soliton ensembles and solitonic structures.
Applicable Analysis, 2012, 91, 2, 237–250.



A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski.
Dispersive Wave Equations for Solids with Microstructure.
The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems. (Eds.) J. Naprstek [et al.]. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, 699-705. (Springer Proc. in Physics; 139).

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Generalized thermomechanics with dual internal variables.
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 229-240.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, K.Tamm.
Waves in microstructured solids and the Boussinesq paradigm.
Wave Motion, 2011, 717-726.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Thermoelasticity with dual internal variables.
J. Thermal Stresses, 2011, 34, 5-6, 413-430.

M.Berezovski, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Wave propagation in heterogeneous materials with secondary substructure.
In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (2011): Proc. Third International Conference, May 22-26, 2011, Shanghai, China. (Eds.) J. Fan [et al.]. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc., 2011, 531-534.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, M.Berezovski.
Waves in microstructured solids: a unified viewpoint of modelling.
Acta Mechanica, 2011, 220, 1-4, 349-363.



M.Berezovski, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Numerical simulations of one-dimensional microstructure dynamics.
In: Proc. 2nd Int.Symp. on Computational Mechanics and the 12th International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Hong Kong - Macau, China, 30 Nov.- 3 Dec. 2009. (Eds.) J. W. Z. Lu [et al.]. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, 2010, 1052-1057.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski.
Deformation wave in microstructured materials: theory and numerics.
In: IUTAM Symposium on Recent Advances of Acoustic Waves in Solids. Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Recent Advances of Acoustic Waves in Solids, Taipei, Taiwan, May 25-28, 2009. (Eds.) T.-T. Wu, C.-C. Ma. Dordrecht. Springer, 2010, 19-29. (IUTAM Bookseries, 26).

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, T.Peets.
Multiscale modeling of microstructured solids.
Mechanics Research Communications, 2010, 37, 6, 531-534.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, T.Soomere.
Editorial. Highlights in the research into complexity of nonlinear waves.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2010, 59, 2, 61-65.


H.Herrmann, J.Engelbrecht.
The balance of spin from the point of view of mesoscopic continuum physics for liquid crystals.
J. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2010, 35, 3, 337-346.

Nonlinear wave motion and complexity.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2010, 59, 2, 66-71.

M.Berezovski, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Waves in materials with microstructure: numerical simulation.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2010, 59, 2, 99-107.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Ravasoo, J.Janno.
Nonlinear acoustic nondestructive evaluation (NDE): qualitative and quantitative effects.
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2010, 25, 4, 212-220.



Complexity of mechanics.
Rendicorti del Seminario Matematico Univ. Politec Torino Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, 2009, 67, 3, 293-325.

A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, and J.Engelbrecht
Waves in inhomogeneous solids.
In: E.Quak and T.Soomere (Eds.), Applied Wave Mathematics, Springer, 2009, 55-81.


J.Engelbrecht, R.Winther, E.Quak.
CENS, CMA and the CENS-CMA project.
In: E.Quak and T.Soomere (Eds.), Applied Wave Mathematics, Springer, 2009, 1-6.


J.Engelbrecht, M.Randrüüt, A.Salupere.
On modelling wave motion in microstructured solids
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 2009, 58, 4, 241-246.


Deformation waves in solids.
In: Applied Wave Mathematics: Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods. (Eds.) E.Quak, T.Soomere.  Berlin, Springer, 2009, 13–30.

J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht.
Identification of microstructured materials by phase and group velocities.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2009, 14, 1, 57-68.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
One-dimensional microstructure dynamics.
In: Mechanics of Microstructured Solids: Cellular Materials, Fibre Reinforced Solids and Soft  Tissues. (Eds.) J.-F.Ganghoffer, F.Pastrone. Berlin, Springer, 2009, 21-28. (Lecture Notes in  Applied and Computational Mechanics; 46).

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Internal variables and generalized continuum theories.
IIn: IUTAM Symposium on Progress in the Theory and Numerics of Configurational Mechanics P.Steinmann, (ed.) Springer, 2009, 149-158.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Internal variables and scale separation in dynamics of microstructured solids.
In: IUTAM Symposium on Scaling in Solid Mechanics, F. Borodich (ed.), IUTAM Bookseries 10, 2009, 69-80.



P.Ván, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Internal variables and microstructured materials.
In: ICTAM 2008 CD-ROM Proceedings, 25–29 August 2008, Adelaide, Australia, 11079, 2 pp.

P.Ván, A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Internal variables and dynamic degrees of freedom.
J. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2008, 33, 3, 235-254.

A.Salupere, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht.
Numerical simulation of interaction of solitary deformation waves in microstructured solids. -
International J. Non-Linear Mechanics, 2008, 43, 3, 201-208.

T.Peets, M.Randrüüt, J.Engelbrecht.
On modelling dispersion in microstructured solids.
Wave Motion, 2008, 45, 4, 471-480.

J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht.
Inverse problems related to a coupled system of microstructure.
Inverse Problems, 2008, 24, 4, 1-15.



J.Engelbrecht, J.Janno.
Microstructured solids and inverse problems.
Rendicorti Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, 2007, 65, 2, 159-169.


M.Vendelin, V.Saks, and J.Engelbrecht.
Principles of mathematical modelling and in silico studies of integrated systems of cellular energetics.
In: V.Saks (Ed.) Molecular System  Bioenergetics: Energy for Life. Wiley, Weinheim, 2007, 407-433.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Front dynamics in inhomogeneous solids.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 2007, 155-161.

A.Salupere, K.Tamm, J.Engelbrecht, P.Peterson.
On the interaction of deformation waves in microstructured solids.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 2007, 56, 2, 93-99.


V.A.Saks, M.Vendelin, M.K.Aliev, T.Kekelidze, and J.Engelbrecht.
Mechanisms and modeling of energy transfer between intracellular compartments.
In: G.E.Gibson, and G.A.Dienel (volume eds)  Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology. Brain Energetics. Integration of Molecular and Cellular Processes. Springer, New York, 2007, 815-860.

A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Numerical simulation of waves and fronts in inhomogeneous solids.
In: Multi-Phase and Multi-Component Materials under Dynamic Loading W.K.Nowacki and Han Zhao, eds., Inst. Fundam. Technol. Research, Warsaw, (EMMC-10 Conference ), 2007, pp. 71-80.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, A.Salupere.
Nonlinear deformation waves in solids.
Wave Motion, 2007, 44, 493-500.



A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Modelling and numerical simulation of non-classical effects of waves, including phase transition fronts.
In: Universality of Nonclassical Nonlinearity: Applications to Non-Destructive Evaluations and Ultrasonics, P.P.Delsanto (Ed.),  Springer, 2006, 203-220.

A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht.
Numerical simulation of nonlinear elastic wave propagation in piecewise homogeneous media.
Materials Science and Engineering. 2006, 418, 364-369.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, F.Pastrone, M.Braun.
Deformation waves in microstructured solids and dispersion.
- In: Proc. WASCOM 2005, 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, Catania, Italy, 19-25 June 2005 / Eds. R.Monaco [et al.]. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2006, 204-209.

J.Engelbrecht, F.Pastrone, M.Braun and A.Berezovski.
Hierarchies of waves in nonclassical materials.
In: Universality of Nonclassical Nonlinearity: Applications to Non-Destructive Evaluations and Ultrasonics P.P.Delsanto, ed., Springer, 2006, pp. 29-48.

J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin.
Mathematical modelling of cardiac mechanoenergetics.
Mechanics of Biological Tissue / Eds. G.A.Holzapfel, R.W.Ogden. Berlin, Springer, 2006, 369-378.



J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, F.Pastrone, M.Braun.
Waves in microstructured solids and dispersion.
Phil Mag, 2005, 85, 33-35, 4127-4141.

J.Engelbrecht, A.Berezovski, G.A.Maugin.
Dynamics of phase boundaries in thermoelastic solids.
In: Proc. of Third European Conference on Structural Control R.Flesch, H.Irschik, M.Krommer, eds., Vol. 1, ID M1-13, Vienna, Austria, 2005, 4 pp.

J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht.
An inverse solitary wave problem related to microstructured materials.
Inverse Problems, 2005, 21, 2019-2034.

J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht.
Waves in microstructured solids: Inverse problems.
Wave Motion, 2005, 43, 1-11.


J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere.
On the problem of periodicity and hidden solitons for the KdV model.
Chaos, 2005, 15, 015114.

J.Janno, J.Engelbrecht.
Solitary waves in nonlinear microstructured materials.
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2005, 38, 5159-5172.

A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, O.Ilison, L.Ilison.
On solitons in microstructured solids and granular materials.
Math. and Comp. in Simulation, 2005, 69, 502-513.



T.Soomere, J.Engelbrecht.
Extreme elevations and slopes of interacting solitons in shallow water.
Wave Motion, 2004, 41, 2, 179-192.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Wave propagation in functionally graded materials.
In: Proceedings of the XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Warsaw, Poland, August 15-21, 2004, CD-ROM, SM10_11592.



P.Peterson, T.Soomere, J.Engelbrecht, E van Groesen.
Interaction soliton as a possible model for extreme waves in shallow water.
Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 2003, 10, 503-510.


A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, P. Peterson.
On the long-time behaviour of soliton ensembles.
Math. Comp. Simulation, 2003, 62, 137-147.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Numerical simulation of two-dimensional wave propagation in functionally graded materials.
Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 2003, 22, 257-265.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Stress wave propagation in functionally graded materials.
In: Proceedings of 5th World Congress on Ultrasonics Paris, 2003, CD-ROM, pp. 507-509.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Numerical simulation of waves and fronts in structured materials: a thermodynamic approach.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mat. 2003, 52, 30-42.

J.Engelbrecht, F.Pastrone, A.Berezovski.
Waves in microstructured materials: comparative analysis of models.
Dep. Matematics, Univ. Torino, 2003, N.28.

T.Sillat and J.Engelbrecht.
Wave  propagation in dissipative microstructured materials.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 2003, 103-114.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht and G.A.Maugin.
Numerical simulation of thermoelastic wave and phase-transition front propagation.
In: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation G.C.Cohen, E.Heikkola, P.Joly, P.Neittaanmaki, (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2003, 759-764.

J.Engelbrecht and F.Pastrone.
Waves in microstructured solids with nonlinearities in micro- scale.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 2003, 52, 1, 12-20.




M.Vendelin, P.H.M.Bovendeerd, J.Engelbrecht and T.Arts.
Optimizing ventricular fibres: uniform strain or stress, but not ATP consumption, leads to high efficiency.
Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 2002, 283, H1072-H1081.

A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
A thermodynamic approach to modeling of stress-induced phase-transition front propagation in solids.
In: Q.P.Sun (Ed). Proc IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Martensite Phase Transformation in Solids. Kluwer, Dordrecht et al., 2002, 19-26.

M.Vendelin, B.H.M.Bovendeerd, V.Saks, J.Engelbrecht.
Cardiac Mechanoenergetics in Silico.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2002, 23, 1, 13-20.


A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, P.Peterson.
Long-time behaviour of soliton ensembles. Part II
Periodical patterns of trajectories. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2003, 15, 1, 33-44.


A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, P.Peterson.
Long-time behaviour of soliton ensembles.Part I.     
Emergence of solitons. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2002, 14, 9, 1413-1424.



A.Salupere, J.Engelbrecht, and G.A.Maugin.
Solitonic structures in KdV-based higher-order systems.
Wave Motion, 2001, 34, 51-61.


J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, J.Kalda, and G.A.Maugin.
Discrete spectral analysis for solitary waves.
In: A.Guran, G.A.Maugin, J.Engelbrecht, and M.Werby, (Ed.), Acoustic Interactions with Submerged Elastic Structures. Part II: Propagation, Ocean Acoustics and Scattering, v.5. Series on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, Series B, World Scientific, Singapore (et al.), 2001, 1-40.



J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin.
Microstructure described by hierarchical internal variables.
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, 2000, 58, 1, 83-91.
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Two-dimensional thermoelastic wave propagation in inhomogeneous media.
In: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, (Proc. 5th Intern. Conf., Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 10-14, 2000) A. Bermudes et al., eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, 2000, 113-117.
A.Berezovski, J.Engelbrecht, G.A.Maugin.
Thermoelastic wave propagation in inhomogeneous media.
Arch.Appl.Mech., 2000, 70, 694-706.
  M.Vendelin, P.Bovendeerd, T.Arts, J.Engelbrecht, D.H. van Campen.
Cardiac mechanoenergetics replicated by cross-bridge model.
Annals of Biomed. Eng. 28(6), 2000, 629-640.
J.Engelbrecht, M.Vendelin, G.A.Maugin. Hierarchical internal variable reflecting microstructural properties: application to cardiac muscle contraction. J. Non-Equil. Thermodyn, 25(2), 2000, 119-130.
  J.Engelbrecht, A.Salupere, P.Peterson.
Nonlinear wave motion: complexity and simplicity revisited.
In: E.Lavendelis (Ed.), Proc. IUTAM Symp. Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, 25-36.